A “Birthday Haiku” .: “Nature IS…Twinning”
A “Birthday Haiku” for my sister-in-law in the UK (Sandra Underwood), co-inspired by nature + the eTwinning European collaboration education project – “The free and safe platform for teachers to connect, develop collaborative projects and share...
A Record Player that Plays Slices of Wood
A record player that plays slices of wood. Year ring data is translated into music, 2011.

CRTC – Finckenstein, this note’s for you
CRTC was written in ~ 2011, around the time an old-school vision for the Canadian internet was taking shape.

“The Boilermaker Story”, or Knowing Where To Tap
The intent of this story is to show that know-how is more important than a title – you must be able to apply what you know.

#WebNotWar DevCamp .: “Vancouver Edition – Deux” c/ @asterix
Just a quick overview post around sum of the awe∑ness I discovered last evening at #WebNotWar .: Vancouver Edition II.