Cubed Haiku .: CBC 75th Anniversary
A short Cubed ā Haiku, in honour of the 75th Anniversary of CBC/Radio-Canada.
A short Cubed ā Haiku, in honour of the 75th Anniversary of CBC/Radio-Canada.
This week’s TaikuTuesday is inspired by a shot I took on my trial NokiaN8 at Burgoo Bistro, West 10th Ave in Vancouver.
A Haiku inspired by a patch of fallen coloured leaves on the way to Clark Park here in East Vancouver, Cedar Cottage.
A Haiku, seeded + inspired by a great shot on Flickr via my virtual, yet very real, digital pal Kelli Schmith .: @MarketingVeep
My fourth Haiku on the topic of Nature IS, inspired by the ever-prepared tension in all animated things.